Missions During COVID
We have been in America for almost 4 months now. Although this season hasn't been at all what we expected, we are standing strong and continuing to serve the Lord as missionaries in many ways.  COVID-19 and rioting may have shut many doors, but God isn't one to be held back by a few shut doors!

Coming to America

Nearly 2 years after initially applying for a visa, Daniel and I were finally able to come to America together! Looking back, we are amazed at God's perfect timing - we got here just in time! The week we arrived in the States is when stores and churches and everything just started to close. We didn't have any problems getting through immigration and weren't required to quarantine ourselves upon arrival either. This may not be the ideal time to "discover America" and we haven't been able to meet with many people, but we are blessed that we were finally able to come and we have started Daniel's citizenship process. There may be many unknowns about the future, but we know who holds our future in His hands!

What has Daniel been up to?

America is very different to me in its culture, food, and the COVID-19 situation! Since I arrived here, I have had to see many doctors to deal with some health issues. Health care is so expensive here! I thought everything would be the same as it is in Vietnam, but actually it is more complicated than that. I had some bleeding from my colon for 2 months and this caused me to feel stressed and uncomfortable. After having a colonoscopy and seeing a specialist, I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. Since then, I started taking medicine and changed my diet and my health has been improving. I want to give thanks to the Lord because His presence has helped me face my worries about sickness and death.

I have also changed the way I work completely. Since I can't see my co-workers face-to-face, I have to depend on the internet to stay in regular contact with them. Before we left, I started transferring everything to a new leadership team who is continuing our work in Vietnam. I still meet with them and guide them as they make decisions and lead the base there. In America, I have a lot more time at home than I did before, so I have been working a lot on my book projects. I have a deep desire to see more Christian literature translated into Vietnamese. By God's grace, I have finished translating 4 more books and have sent them to our contact in Vietnam to ask for permission to publish them there. Beside that, I have also been helping to translate some training materials for church planting projects. I am doing my best to maximize my time here to continue my work and also prepare for our return to Vietnam eventually.

What has Cassandra been up to?

July 19th, our daughter's due date, is approaching fast. People keep telling me that I could go into labor any day now, although I'm really hoping she doesn't come quite yet. As first time parents, we have had a lot to prepare and a lot to learn. We've been blessed with many hand-me-downs and gifts, and feel so supported and encouraged as we step into this new season of life: Parenthood.  Besides preparing things for our baby's arrival, I have been doing what I can to continue serving the base in Vietnam to the best of my ability. I have been working on some of the online registrations as well as walking alongside the DTS staff as they continue to run their school during this strange time.  I have been praying for and with some of the staff girls and try to check in with them periodically to see how I can help and be a blessing to them in this season. I'm blessed to be able to continue to disciple and encourage these girls as they face new and challenging situations!

Prayer Requests
1. That the labor and delivery process would go smoothly, without complications and that our daughter would be born healthy.
2. For God's grace and guidance over us as we step into parenthood.
3. For Daniel's citizenship process to move along quickly so we can get back to Vietnam without too much delay.
4. For the DTS team that is now on outreach in North Vietnam, that they would be able to lead many people to the Lord and be a blessing everywhere they go.
5. For favor with the book publisher and the finances needed to print all 4 new books.
Thank you to everyone who has continued to support us in so many ways as we've come to America and are preparing for our daughter's birth. We are so blessed to be here in this interesting season in the world and in our lives. Your prayers and support mean so much to us. Please let us know how you are doing and how we can be praying for you! For those of you who are in Minnesota, we would love to find a time and a way to get together with you or at least connect with you virtually, so please let us know what would work best for you!

Daniel & Cassandra
                     Saying goodbye to Grandma                                        Visiting my best friend from high school
Cassandra's Email:  gsprincess88@yahoo.com
Daniel's Email:          thienandoanta@yahoo.com
Website:                    www.mcii.org/ywam